yesterday bought all the stuff to do my pop up book. went city hall print. but they say 1 paper 2 dollar if want hard paper. i wanted to print 14 pieces... so means $28?!?! lucky my fren was there, she told me go sunshine plaza cheaper, we walk all the way there... sooooo hot.... but indeed. its $11.. its like half price and the paper there is much better than the previous one.. after that my fren come my house to do project. we decide to do overnite. haha in the end, i K.O at 3.30am. i went to sleep... leaving her in the living room. hahaha
she really didn't sleep. left at 6.30am.. while i was sleeping like a pig haha. intend to wake up at 7.30. try to reach school around 9am. but i overslept. wake up at 8.30 haha. after consulting tommy, he ask me to..... (oh.. i forgot what he said...) oh no... but i remember he say change .. 1 of the photo.... arrrr! retake wat?!?!? oh no oh no.. really cannot remember... think when i consult him, i'm stilling dreaming ... ah.. anyway, after he ask me to test some photo, i told him i'm afraid that i can't finish on time. then... he told me, when i do the book, its already consider 50% !!
ohhh~ but... can i finish it? tommy was right, he say i need a few days to take photo. 1 day sure is not enough. 1st day- took almost all the photos but forgot to take church and mosque. 2nd found church, bought stuff when i wanted to go yishun's mosque, it started to rain... 3rd day (today)- i remember tampines got one mosque. i went there...... so many tress!! hahaha. and i dun want to take worm eye view photos. i need a straight one. and no flat around there!! haha so i went to yishun to that, lucky today is friday, i couldn't find the place, then keep asking around, asked 3 person. only 1 person know where is it. then after walking to the carpark.. only got flats. can't find mosque. but.. its friday! they just finish praying. i followed their direction.... and i found it!! haha.
i still left one last photo but its very hard to get.. 4 different races of children... hmmm i wonder how to get them... oh! i've bought this book! finally! the first time i saw it was in kinokuniya. it sold quit ex. now its $19 ya.. i bought it in the end....
Soooooo tired!!!
wake up early in the morning, go for consultation. after really know what i want to do for my layout, i meet my fren at 10.30am to go take photos. really thanks alot for the company. 辛苦你了。
first place we went is changi airport. sooooo cold! after tat, we went outside to take photos,.. sooooo hot!after changi airport, went to bugis... want to take sultan mosque... but its block by all those building... can't take it in the end... so took bus to china town, take chinese and indian temple... after that, we "walk" all the way to clark que take raffles's photo.. feel like we are burning our skin when we are walking there... so hot! oh! there are someone taking out snakes to show it to everyone and you can touch it or put the snake around ur neck and take photos! I touch the snake!!! first time touching it! it ... feels like belt... i wanted to take photos with the snake too! want to try putting it around the neck. hahah haiz... but.. got those children from some school saw it all rush towards to see the snakes.. i think the owner scare the children will hurt the snake, he faster close the cover..
after clark quey, walk to city hall on the way, took some photos of bus stop then, take photos of merlion after finish taking photos.... we are melting! faster walak to esplanade and enjoy the air con there, from there i saw a book "how to speak singlish. haha after looking at that.. i decided to change my "fun fact about singapore" to "understand our singlish".in the esplanade, we feel sooo cold. we decided to walk outside to enjoy the sun (we are feeling very cold at that time) when we are walking, we feel hot again, reach marina square, feel cold again. haha after that, have early dinner (will get sick easily)... we were soooo tired... feel like crawling back home haha. after reached home, rest a while... go for yoga. today start first day lesson. its fun!! oh... after i reach home, then i realise... i forgot to take photos of churches.... tml's plan - go take photos of churches and mosque, go buy paper, and start making the book... arr. i feel like mine got too little things to pop up... i wonder will it look ugly..... haiz....
i really got no idea how my layout going to be look like... so i decided to drop by to bras bazaar and see whether they got sell cheap secondhand children pop up book a not. i go there, search for quite some times.walk around a few times, very hot.. then finally saw one pop up book. second hand.. but very kiam chai.. sell $5. haha so ex ar! in the end went to their popular... omg.... soooo nice~ didn't nowadays children book become soooo nice...
open up the cover then it pop up a 3d things. after tat, i saw this.... waaaaaaah~ its only $12! but i didn't buy it so 3D!! so many layers! so nice~
then saw this.. you turn the things while u read the book
... so nice~ aiya.. feel quite bad... i can't go tioman... then in the end, they cancel the trip... arrr~~~~~~ so sorry~ think i screwed it up...
mario he blow until his face very red. haha
sesame street... mario nicer.
DJ beatbox
beatbox from french
taiwan show
imagine.. all of time come together form a band with Nick Pitera... hahahah it will be so cool hahaha
oh just saw this one so cute~ 92 yrs old
Today...still haven't do any layout.... just finish lunch. then my sis told my mum "lets go and do the guava thing." i was sitting infront of my com tat time. keep asking them wat thing but no one response.... so i follow them to the kitchen.
my mum peel the skin first.
then my sis trying to cut it ("supervisor" standing beside her)
my mum see the way my sis cut, shou bu liao. then she take over
haha my sis can't do anything but to just stand there and see how my mum cut.
my sis try again
my mum 又看不下去了
hahahah she take over again.
still dunno what they are doing, i try myself
my sis put that salty things in... thats when i think i know what they are doing. haha
after mixed finish
put it in the fridge
after 2 to 3 hours, take out and eat... wah! super nice!
so cool!
so nice!
tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk
all so nice~
i think i'm stuck... i'm suppose to do a pop up book, then do stop motion, take photos of it. but now my layout still cannot... and i only have 1 week to do the pop up book... arrrrr~
Comda presentation is over~ the lecturer says our presentation improved alot. :> i become the "international girl" hahahaha. after 4 weeks in the class, my lecturer still don't know my name... hahaha. its over~ its over~ finally its over~
Today the breeze at night smell very refreshing, very nice. when i reach home, i open the door, wah. also smell refreshing. haha i think my mum just tidy the house again.
I got a neighbour living upstair.. (dunno which floor), i've never talk to him before. The first time he moved in, no one know him, he will smile at them like very 熟 like tat, very weird, but everytime i saw him, i always ignore him. hahahahahah cos.. i dunno him! but actually he mean no harm. he is just friendly.
just now i was walking under my block, then he is there waiting for the lift too. The lift come he saw me, he waited for me. first time i chat with tat uncle. After tat he ask me studying now? after i told him "yar .1 more year to go to gradutate", then he ask me "you study sec 2 ar?"
hohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho~ k la, he very friendly. not weird at all hahaha.
Nick Pitera
i want to sing like him now. hahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha power!
A whole new world
No one
Part of your world
Bleeding Love
One sweet day
haiz.. stupid... i ask all my fren to help me do survey in surveymonkey website. but when i waned to log in again to see the analyse page, it says no such username. but i always use the same username. how is it possible there is no such username? then i thought maybe they got problem in the website thing, i shall sign up again. after i sign up, my survey all gone! then i go to help and ask the ppl what happen, and ask them to help me track my username . they helped me and trace back. he even says that he can see my survey. got 32 respond. maybe i sign to the wrong account, or have cookies problem. must delete my cookies first.
but when i see the username and password, correct leh... i keep asking, for... 2week... until now... then i realise instead of the word "qinghui", the username i hve typed wrongly. it become "qingui" missing "h". no wonder no matter how many time i delete cookies, sign out, sign in, still cannot find my survey... so.. now my username for that is "qingui......"
haiz... sorry for those ppl who have help me to redo the survey thing.
i spent the whole day on friday trying to figure out how to do the pop up book... shall i do it in flash? then animate one frame by one frame how it fold... but i got 5 pages... or more.. dunno got time to animate one by one a not. then i think... use 3d max? model the paper, so that it can fold, then go photoshop do the image, save as jpg, map it onto paper, then i can fold it... then aftre i fold, i can render it as jpg, export it in to flash...
sound like a good idea. and its much easier than drawing it one by one slowly in flash.
i open up by 3d... i think i've give 80% of the knowledge back to my lecturer.. hahaha now i only know how to do box, extrude, but where is the pivot?!?!!?
i spent half the day finding the pivot. went to tutorial and see. but they didn't show where is it. finally, i found it. but.... i dunno how to attach the pivot to my objet!!
if cannot do pivot, how to fold a paper?!?!?! arrrrr... head pain... and somemore 1 month left to submission. still need to go find info and take photos. i went to online find tutorial of paper, book, folding paper, all don't have!!!
at first i consulted tommy, i asked is it possible to do the pop up thing? he say can do stop motion. hmmm good idea. after consultation, i then realise... stop motion means i have to really make the book out?!?!
haiz... then i ask my fren from NYP, grad soon, ask her whether she can help me. but she didn't learn 3d max or flash before. she learn maya... i dun have maya.. she suggested that maybe adobe after effect can do. she lended me the disc. but its spoiled!!!
haiz... plan A- (dunno can do it a not)
Plan B- just pop out from the book.. like some thing grow from book like tat. hahahahah.....
haiz.... everyone know tat our time is very tight... still got comda!!! 10 pages of proposal somemore!! 1 page let me think until headache le. hahahhha still need to write 10 pages.... oh.. still needa do games... hmmmmmmmmmmmm..............
lol... today went to school for some flash lesson. when i come back, i suddenly realise that i got only 3 days to do 25 percent of my p3. and i haven't start a single thing.. then i think i too tired. while i was doing flash, my head very pain. feels like i'm going to faint anytime, i think its because of the flash thing, i look too close and think too much. haha then my brain cannot take it. lol so i decided to take a nap for 2 hours.
.... dunno why, i have never watch this movie before. but i dream about it... 黄金甲 lol really same clothing
that dream is very real, its like we need to do a reflection of something... then we are like visiting that place, then got the Emperor, but its not chou ren fa. its some unknown guy, i dream that he is blind. then something happen, can't remember wat. then the emperor became very panic, he will shoot at anything that make noise. and that person he is about to shoot, is his son! i dream tat his son is only.. i think 5 or 6 yrs old. very drama.
then someone (i think its the king's wife) throw some potion into his mounth and he can see for a few sec,(very gu dai) then realise its his son.. then.. can't remember wat happen.
then i dream that we are like going for some competition then i finish my reflection. then kong li come and ask me whether she can use that show to write a not. haha so funny. i wonder why i will dream about this...
i think i'm catching a flu... my voice is getting deeper and deeper. comda presentation..... still got problem.... seriously, p3, big project, 6 cu, and comda, 3cu, i more stress on comda... i can sit in front of the com think for hours and nothing was out. until now i still haven't touch on p3.... arrrr~~~~~~~~ dun think i can do well for p3 ...
i still dunno wat to do for game, dunno my layout, haven't take photos, its like.. doing nothing! haiz...
wat have i been doing? struggeling with comda....
yesterday watch lao shi ai lao da. dun like the ending... like very normal like tat. not very nice. oh... i think lack of sleep. wat happen yesterday i can't remember. haha can only remember watched movie , then saw joanne, then shop together.
today,.... soooo tired! last nite i slept for 3 to 4 hours only. wake up, go to school, can't do much. consult for 10 mins like tat then ... dunno leh. like p3 can't do anything. keep thinking about comda. after consultation for comda today, we went to gym.. didn't know i can run for so long, i go gym want to run only. train for nafa next yr. i aim for A. hahahahhaa. very tired... dunno wat to do for case study also. can't find things tat support my stuff.
then just now my sis went to see doctor, she just say "xie qing..." then the nurse say. "oh!xie qinghui ar?" ..... how come the nurse know my name? i dun go there often leh..... did i? no leh. haha how come she know me?... arrr... tired.. tired.... tml then continue my comda.... arrr! presentation! hope tat tml won't anyhow press the com haha.
yesterday went to grace house for "steamboat" haha. these are the food tat we have.
and we lau yu sheng again
we fry until... all mix together. its nice. but raw and cooked together, we thought we will have stomach ache today. but... we are healthy! haha
after dinner, they play this
yesterday have a gathering again. lol. actually we meet... shi hui, esther, adam, leon, ruifen, see theng, sebas and me . 8 ppl. then must reserve place first. so fen and i went to reserve place. we tell the person, 8 ppl. after tat, theng call us, sebas's fren coming to singapore already. so they are also coming. so its 10 ppl! when we are about to go change again, adam sms and say shi hui last min say cannot. so in the end its 9 ppl...
we book.. 6.30pm. when we reach there, i too hungry. hahahahha then i started to eat. esther can only reach at 7.30. sebas's fren can only meet at 7pm. in the end, when everyone reach, we already feeling full. (very full)
after tat, all of us went toilet. when we come out, we saw choy har, alice and yongjun. we stand outside chat for a while, then their turn to go toilet. when they come out, they saw esther. its like tat place is our gathering place like tat. haha.
then, after dinner, no place to go, then we went timbre.
i order sakura~
too many ppl cannot take pic together. so we take seperatly.
The ang mo.(albert, vincent and sebas)
oh, albert's face is... soooo smooth! no pimples. nothing one. like plastic. dunno how he take care of his face. haha must learn from him, but we got communication problem. his english is very poor, mine is poor too. in order for us to talk, we need sebas to translate. haha
the master piece of vincent (his hairy arm)
they got their own band performing there. they vocal very nice.
after listening to love songs, they became gay. hahaha
before yesterday, i'm still thinking of my p3 target audience. cos there are some problem in my TA. but after yesterday, i know who my TA will be... THEM~ haha oversea attachment who are coming for 6 months. at first we ask them , are they coming for holiday? they say yes. then we ask them for how long, they say 6... we thought holiday for 6 days... then they say 6 months. hahaha my fren and i shock a while, then after ... 15 mins of conversation, then we realise its OSIP. hahaaa.