Working in the PC show is fun~Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
make many frens there. and the good thing is, they pay u 50 dollar a day, and commision will shared among all of us ( which i think will be more cos its hard to sell phones), and they even provide us brunch and dinner.

many funny things happen. on the first day, actually all of us, (the promoter) only know the basic of the phones. and there are 9 sets of them. each have their own different function, and 4 of them are the VOIP. which is more confussing. there are 4 of us. so we decided to each introduce different model. everything is so blur on the first day. and its like the customers are more professional than us. they even correct us. and some irritating one, just come here and show off their knowledge of phones. which spent us hours entertaining them. we have been shouting for 4 days. because there are some brand promoting their stuff using microphone and large speakers. Some customers, dunno wat they want. haha they even ask us whether there is a "transformer battery"..... wats that? he mean from battery transform into a phone, or a phone transform into a battery, or a battery transform into a transformer?

but then, most of the time, we are having fun working there. and the manager, the supervisor all very friendly. During the set up day, they keep telling me not to do anything .. (maybe because i'm the only girl there) then all i have to do is stock take, throw rubbish. hahaha. and the guys are carring heavy things, sweat a lot. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Sept they are having at TPY. They asked me to work.... dunno can a not... its only sat and sunday. hope there won't have any projects to rush for. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket