On Friday
I got my Matric card!!!!!! finally!!! tuesday i can *teh the card myself lo~
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i still remember the bus driver...
on my way to school, i took the bus to tampines. the driver is really disgusting... i was standing.. behind him. but i was staring at him all the way. cos... too disgusting liao... unbeliveable... he is digging his nose all the way from yishun. dunno is it a habbit or... it is really hard to dig.. then dig for a while, he use tat hand to brush his hair back, then scratch his back, then brush his hair again. then... guess wat! he put that finger, into his mouth!!!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket then he touch the Steering wheel, then dig nose again... yuck!

lucky i was standing behind not beside. cos the bus is very crowded. if i stand beside him, and if he flick his finger, dunno can run where. ... next time if i see him, i won't board the bus...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

on sat.... plan to stay at home to think about my game thing.... but the... dunno leh. no idea yet... haiz....

Today, my mum's birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! haa...
Made coleslaw at home......
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first time make coleslaw. spent lots of time chopping. haha. eh. but it looks good eh?