ohhh~ P3,i got "travel".. hmmm.. travel.. the first thing i thought of is air plane. hahahhaa.

today my sis first time come my school. cos now her working time is in the morning, so everytime 1pm she can dismiss le. then always nothing to do, yesterday i suggested maybe she can come find me then have lunch together. yah.. so today she come, she is like the tourist in design school, take picture here and there. hahah. even the dustbin... the big red clock..

then we go TM to shop. i wanna say,
"I LOVE YOU sis!!!!"Photobucket

know why? know why?
cos of this!!!!!
she bought me this!!!!

the first one is bought by her too.
it has been wash many times, now the hair.... like curl up like tat hahahha.

they got 3 color. i wanna collect them all. 1 more then got a set le. i'm not going to put it on my bag anymore. it will get dirty...wanna keep it.

oh ya. just saw vic's tag.... but then... too late! today... morning i ate 3 biscuit and a glass of milo, around 11.30am, i ate burger and drink mushroom soup, 2pm my sis came, i ate chickchop. 6pm, meet my mum eat sakae sushi. 9pm... feel hungry again!!!
hahahha. gain 1kg in 2months.