weee~ my com is back!
ironically, i sleep later when i don't have computer. haha. cos i keep going out. This holiday, i must heal my dark circles!

The other day, i saw the book "Mother theresa" again.
The poor give us much more than we give them. They're such strong people, living day to day with no food. and they never curse, never complain. We don't have to give them pity or sympathy. We have so much to learn from them.
i wanted to buy the book! but its so expensive and its hard cover. $40 plus... dun have the money... i think i should go library and search for it.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
I do not pray for success. I ask for faithfulness.
Every words she said are so true and meaningful.

How i wish i can know her and speak to her face to face. haha.

oh just saw this quotes from her. I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?

Haha. my neighbour...... they even know my com exploded . how they know? cos they never see me in front of the computer those days. Then she asked my mum what happen to my computer. the other day my sis was play DS lite, she stood there and watch her and see what game she is play.... Omg~~ Photobucketwhere is our privacy!?!?!??!

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. Smile more~Photobucket
oh~ i must blog this down. I LOVE YOU~ My beloved sister (Cherrish Xie Qingyi)~Photobucket *muack haha
she help me pay for the computer money and she treat us pizza! she lend me her computer when i really needs it~ share the eye cream with me~ where to find such a kind sister~ i will repay you.... after i graduate.... no... after i got a job... eh.... u must wait for 2 to 3 years more. hahahahhaahha