19 Feb.

FYP presentation day. Soooo nervous. PhotobucketMy time is 3.30pm reach at 3pm,but i waited until 4.30pm
Before that, i have script, and also practice alot of time. Photobucketwhen justin come out, I forgot everything. Just went in and present whatever i can. All along i thought 4 lecturers 2 industry ppl. but actually is 1 industry ppl only. make me feel relax more.

I went in, and I talk. It is totally different from my script. lol Got many things to present. After i presented, still the same like what my other presentation is like. Got many comment!!! PhotobucketGot many things to edit. Like suddenly everyone got things to say, i turn my head from left, then right, then middle, then right then left non stop. All i can say is ok...

After i come out, we waited all the way for the last person to present then we go for dinner together.Photobucket First time sitting in Vic's car. But so funny la. Normally when ppl drive , they tend to be more hot tempered when other ppl cut lane or something then will drive drive then scold. but looking at vic.... You look so happy when driving! lol drive drive then suddenly talk to ur dinosaur, then dance with Hajar, then thinking out loud. talk to ur dinosaur again. Photobucket
Funny. oh. talking about this suddenly remind me of sakae sushi! Must thanks grace for treating me. and i just realise i forgot to give u one box which i promise to! haha
I can't remember wat we talk about but.. i remember it was funny~


Secondary school class gathering! omg! Photobucket So many ppl have changed! How long have we not meet... 6 yrs?!!?
got around 12 ppl attend. only 3 guys. all girls haha. Then we talk about our good old days~

Talk about our Math teacher again. Everytime come to our class, will want us to stand up and clap. So everytime he come to our class, we must stands and clap. PhotobucketCan't remember he want us to clap then sit down or clap until he say good afternoon class then we stop... but got once we clap for half an hour. cos... he is our math teacher for 2 yrs. and can imagine? clapping 2 yrs everyday. lol then he keeps asking us to stop but we dun want to. we clap until he call the principle to come. she came, he bang the table with the broom, the broom break into half, the principle asked us to stop. then we stop.Photobucket

She asked us why we clap, we replied. because he wants us to. which is true. haha. after that i think we dun clap anymore. Talk about our catapult time. We win NUS or is it NTU?! Can't remember both sound so alike until now i still dunno the different. lol Then talk about our chemistry teacher, which we have never seen before. Teacher apologies to ppl who copied during class test... until now i still dun understand why. About our fren, everytime the teacher make her angry, she will flip the table or bang the table and run out of the class. the first time u saw this happen, u will shock. then got ppl run after her and see wat happen. but after being in the same class for 4 yrs, it became our daily routine.Photobucket she flip the table, it flew, we sit there as if nothing happen, then her "good " fren will always follow her to see wat happen.
But got once i really was shock she tear her whole chinese book into half in front of the teacher.
Then during racial harmony day, my classmate fought. All about school's life. oh and one classmate who transform from a boy to a girl. He/she really go for operation. he/she quit school during sec 2. He/she say because one of the boy always bully him/her so dun wanna be a boy liao. PhotobucketThen heard that she got a bf now...wah. from 7pm, we talk until 11pm . Talk until the shop close. Hope next time gathering more ppl will join.