13 Dec sunday
i sleep until very late wake up today! long time never sleep tat much liao. Photobucket

after watching tv, do this do tat, i decided to pack my room~Photobucket

wah. i throw away 5 big bags of useless stuff. then i saw this. those are the items i do until eyes blur.
if i am not wrong, this is down in ... secondary? or is it poly yr1? should be secondary
i remember i draw until headache

this is done in 2d art fun. i also remember this, i rub until my whole table very messy.

lastly, this one! i will never forget this. and won't throw it away, i put in alot of effort in this.
we are suppose to paste a piece of cloth on the paper, then continue from the cloth. i do until i wanna cry ar.Photobucket should have use those normal repeated pattern cloth.
after pack finish my cardboard, i pack my table. i took down all my books... suddenly, i saw a dead dried black lizard lying on the floor!Photobucket

after finish packing my table, i pack my cloths.
no hanger already!!! i've just pack my cloths recently, so nothing to throw.... nooo~~~ means cannot buy anymore cloths liao....

everyone is talking about losing weight. i can't loss any, then i go online search.
see which food should i prevent? maybe i eat wrong stuff, my thyroide's pill no effect.

then i saw this weird thing, i search many website, all say the same thing. food tat i should avoid. but the food they list down, is very healthy food.
cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohirabi, mustard, lima beans, linseed, sweet potato, spinach, peach, strawberry, pear, peanuts, soy products
food i should take more, got sea food!
carrots, apricots, asparagus, olive oil, avocado, sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, bananas, oily fish, sea food, sea weed, milk, eggs.

but some say avoid cheese, milk and eggs, some say take more, dunno whcih one is true. and avoid junk food... see if i prevent those things my weight will change a not. Photobucket