
I've really forgot my password and email address. haha. took sometimes to find my email and password.. Photobucket

wah even how to put this monkey here also forgot le... -_-
Didn't know my last post is after my operation. My scar is fading already~ many new fren didn't know i have a scar there until i told them.Photobucket 大嘴巴。。
Just pack my room today. took 5 hours to pack them. Feel soooo tired now..Photobucket . Cos after packing i vacuum the whole house and mop them, bring down the cloths half way it start raining, then hurried to the window to bring them in, fold the cloths, iron them. YES SIS, i IRON your pink cloths today! haha

Pack my room halfway, i realise.. with all those accessories, i think i can open a blog shop wor!

Things to tie my hair

my necklace


My necklace#2

Necklace #3


still got no #4 didn't took picture of it haha
and ear rings, belts, braces, .... i think.. i won't buy any shirt or dress for my new year. really need to save up liao...Photobucket

This is my bed! 难得 so neat. haha Everytime i've finish packing my room, i'll hope to have some fren come my room. haha Last time i use to sleep in this position. but my parents always worried i'll wake up with a flatten face. cos there is a very heavy platform nailed to the wall. then i always have heavy books on top. they say it will surely fall someday.

So, everyday i can't sleep peacefully hahah.

This few weeks always forgot whether i have eaten medicien a not. really lost my memories liao..
Yesterday after lunch, i just told my colleague. "this time after we are going back, i will check my hand got wallet, umbrella, handphone." after tat we went to sheng siong. I go buy anlene milk and HL milk.Photobucket

Happily hurried back, want to drink my milk. usually i will throw all my stuff in my locker. then at nite, i meet my sis. didn't buy anything haha. I didn't realise I FORGOT MY WALLET IN THE OFFICE!!!Photobucket

wah, In the end my sis accompany me back to my office to take my wallet. it is stuck at the side of my chair... so it means... when i was doing my work, swing here swing there, it is in the midst of falling down haha. But lucky still can find back my wallet. so scary!Photobucket

Cos a few weeks ago, my fren and i went to insonmia. they stop me cos i didn't show IC. From that day onwards, i always put my IC in my wallet. Inside got ATM card too. heng ar~Photobucket

But really dunno wat happen to my brain this few days, always feel sleepy and always gone blank... i dun mean i fainted but.. you know.. 放空.....