Just came back from dinner with a friend who i know for 18 years.

Yes! 18! we were best frens since pri 1. 7 yrs old. i know her family and she know my family. we didn't contact each other since i think when we are 18 or 19 yrs till now! Photobucket

We still remember we always hold hands when we go to school together. and we always pretend tat one of us is blind. then one of us will close our eyes and the front person will lead the way. Play taxi driver and passenger when we went for swimming . we will piggyback each other to pretend we are driver. LOL During school holidays, cos there is a swimming pool just below our block, we went swimming everyday. really everyday until her eyes got infection from pools water. LOL. I think tats the reason why i'm so tan....Photobucket

18yrs of friendship.. i mean.. how many 10 years can we have? we will treasure this friendship i'm sure. haha. going to meet up again soon! Actually now thinking back, its weird. i dunno where am i last 2 years. suddenly feel like i've lost contact of so many frens. Trying to contact everyone again this yr. seriously, i can't remember wat happen last yr and 2 yrs ago. its like missing 2009 and 2010...Photobucket