
Today went out with my old fren. wanted to go out with her must book 1 yr in advance.Photobucket haha we went to our "old place" the place where we use to work in. we seated there and chat and draw just like the old time.

i think because i sleep very late this few days. when i walk to the bus stop, at the corner of my eyes i thought i saw a deer eating grass! i turn my head and see.. its a very huge brown dog eating grass. but there is a white fence around it. i really thought i saw a deer!!Photobucket
i didn't draw anything today. i bring my coloring book out to color! lol i show it to my fren. she also say the coloring book really is very detail. i still haven't finish tat page. haha cos i keep talking. Quite worth it. $4, 1 page can color 3 days. haha.

We seat and talk about many things. then suddenly she tell me one of her colleague told her. she said tat ppl say we born as a women, is because our past life, we were really bad person, then she tell me. like tat wat about animals? wat are they in their past life? hahaPhotobucket

But i totally disagree with that, i told her, actually its not women. its actually man. cos now i think man are having more hard time. we always say "u must sent girls home no matter how tired u are cos u must be gentlement", "you must work harder for your future cos u need to earn money for your family", "you must help us take heavy stuff". "you must run faster than us". "you must..." "you must..." "you must.."
I think they are having more stress than us now. haha Photobucket

After tat my fren ask if can reborn again and if can chose will u want to be a woman again? but actually who knows maybe at tat time we really chose, and maybe this is really wat we've decide. Then i told her must see wat country. if sg, i think i'll still want to be woman, if other country, cos some country the woman must work and the man will stay at home. i think its somewhere in china but at that time, dunno why i say if its african....Photobucket

i think about it again.. i will want to be the fly. hahahaaPhotobucket egypt-cat. india-mice. haha

we talk about alot of stupid stuff. feel so relax in the cafe. but we can't draw long now, draw a while only our eyes feel so sleepy. so basically, we talk from 1pm to 9pm haha. my throat abit dry now...

hohoho i finally got that video haha.