weee~ finally know how to slice liao. haha asked karwen again today.Love you~ karwen! You REALLY HELP ME ALOT! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Really wanna thanks karwen for the great help. haha, today have to 麻烦 her demo for me again. But dun worry. haha i know how to do liao. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


oh ya... today in class waiting for consultation.. then we were talking about holiday... then.. heard some shocking news... dunno is it real a not... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting we might only have 2 week holiday?!!? and.... we got join the orientation thing... so... its like... we dun have holiday!?!?!?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Please dun let it be true!!!

just come back from the very early reunion dinner. wah... i was like eating as if i 1 week never eat like tat. hahhaah. omg 太没有仪态了!
drink 2 can of 小麦草, 2 bowl of 鱼翅,chilly crab, fish, etc etc...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting oh! and i thought tat one is chicken!! i go take a bite.. then... it turn out to be ->Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting FROG!! eeeeeeeeee i'm eating <-him!!! omg omg... yuck! bleah~ pui!