yesterday, (13th) after class went to meet my frens for dinner.. going to celebrate Maxi's birthday. wat a Coincident his birthday is the same as see theng. we went to french cafe? dunno wats the name, at little india there.

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eat until want to vomit.. normally they say french's food is very little rite? then there is a set meal. starter, main course, then dessert. starter is this

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tomato soup. half way through already very full liao. then i pass the rest to adam. haha

main course... forgot to take the pic... also alot. i eat 1 fish only, then the rest pass to adam. haha he is eating 3 ppls dish. 厉害. the dessert, i also forgot to take picture. i eat cheese cake. very huge one....

we decided to give him a surprise. we lied to him tat we are going tolite. then he thought tat because we are not use to the food, we go vomit. tats why so long. hahahha. after tat, we wrote cards for him. until then, then i know tat he is only 23?!?!!?Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Brought him a adidas shirt. it seems a bit too big for him la. hahaha after the dessert......
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so full... cannnot eat cake liao. then we just sing song, eat... a little bit of cake only. the rest ask him bring back. hahaha. dunno how we eat. from 7pm, we eat until 11. reach home, 12am... sleep straight away after i take my bath...