Feel like chopping off my left hand now.... my hair stands, when i think about it...I hate lizard the most among all insects... But somehow, it seems to have lots of fate between us...... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

instead of turning on the tap, i can touch the lizard first before i touch the tap. When i am taking off the chopping board, the lizard can crawl onto my hand, when i'm walking down the stairs, it can drop onto my head. when i am walking under the flat, it can drop down infront of me.

Now, even the dead one also got fate with me. While we are filming today at tiong baru, i was going to sit on the "wall". i jump, i sit, my left hand touched something feels like dried leaf, when i look at it, i saw something marge with the leaf. i take a closer look. ITs a dried lizard!!! it has a weird pose! like the bone crack or something.. eeeeee! can't believe i just touched tat!!!!!! i even heard the "crack" sound when my hand landed on tat!!! yuck!!!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket