oh ya.. have to blog about this too... have a swollen pinky.... 2months ago, i keep complaining that its itchy. after tat, no feeling liao. then now it became swollen... swollen and itchy for 1 week le... tml have to go see doctor... i told my fren just now. he is from medic.. he say maybe my bone crack.... but how can it be? if it crack, how i can move soo freely. haha but he say sometimes bone will crack one... but.. how can it be...last time a bottle fall down and hit my sis's feet while she is filling up her water bottle, her feet's bone crack a bit only, she can't move liao... so... i think mine cannot be crack...

but.. wat happen leh.... sometimes i feel tat... maybe it really crack before. then i didn't notice it. now is recovering.. you know sometimes u got a cut, when its recovering u will feel itchy rite.. maybe tats the case. when i was young, when i hit on something, i will "ouch!" but then.. think i hit on things too often le.. it become numb. even if i hit on something really hard, i won't have any expression at all... then after tat will forgot about it. haha. hmmmm.. nvm enough of guessing... tml will know why..