so creepy~~~Photobucket
yesterday went to film some video... then we put make ups on the hands to make it look like bruises and scar. i tried on Melanie's hand
yar. actually only wanna try the hand but 越画越好玩 draw until the whole arm.
in the end, everyone in the room got bruises and scar... after we film finish, we go and wash our hands. some scar can't really wash away. but then i wonder why.... only my bruises cannot be wash away and its not water proof. all of theirs bruises wash away already leh... only leave some scars.

today i wake up then i realise its not makeup... i really got bruises. and its not 1 or 2. its ... i think 4 or 5(just realise after i got home from school)... hand to legs... wat happen?!??!! and the bruises are getting darker..... so scary!!!!Photobucket

but then... is it because of the lights? i remember i took it and i keep on hitting myself... cos too heavy too big . cannot control.. but.....

dun think so leh..... or did i knock onto things and didn't realise it?? but then.... 4 to 5 bruises in a day!!?!? Photobuckethow can it be possible?!??! i just go film one video only...