yesterday nite, after i burn finish the project, i went to bbq. the bbq... when i reach there, left a bit only. but after i eat the beef, bread and cheese, wah... super full..

after bbq, went for party! in that place, they all gone crazy. haha Thibaud take off Vincent's pants. heard tat vincent is quite angry at that moment. but then, after that, vinent turn into a monkey, climbing everywhere. it was quite fun la. haha yesterday really everything is free. in the end, i reach home at 4am.... can't sleep... dunno why...

i think i slept at 4 .30 or 5am. then... 7am wake up liao.... can't sleep...... 7am wake up, submit my project at 10.25am. first to submit but last to present.... so unfair!!!!

and i was in the school for 12 hours today....... in the end presented my project t 9.30pm.....